LinkedIn stands tall as the OG of platforms today where careers are shaped, and opportunities unfold. Handshakes have been replaced by connection requests, and business cards find their digital counterparts. While this art of networking has evolved, the essence remains the same—building meaningful connections. In this digital age, where time is of the essence, the challenge lies in striking a balance between quantity and quality.

Amidst this digital transformation, LinkedIn automation emerges as the key player, reshaping the landscape of lead generation and connection building. In this article, we delve into the strategies that transform your networking game. From personalised connection requests to the finesse of follow-up messages, we navigate the landscape of professional relationships, armed with templates that elevate your approach. Let’s dive in!

Personalisation is a MUST

Let’s face it- sending boilerplate connection requests won’t cut it anymore. You need to put in the effort to reap the benefits. You cannot send an invite “just because you want to promote. It is crucial to understand that networking is always the first step to procuring a lead, and it can’t be otherwise. Network with the right leads, research about the recipient, and give people a reason to accept that connection request. 

As tempting it is to just use that send button, hold on and try to understand why are you sending the invite, and why should they accept it. How many messages that start with “Goodmorning sir” do you reject? And how many times did you wish people would go beyond “Hey (your name)” in the name of personalisation?

Create your ICP

So, how to create a good personalised invite? Well, we’d like to start with talking about your Ideal Customer Profile(ICP). In simple terms, your target audience. Leveraging the capabilities of LinkedIn automation is a game-changer in honing your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). 

Companies within this profile often exhibit shared characteristics, grapple with a common challenge that your product adeptly addresses, and possess the fiscal capacity to alleviate that pain point. This strategic refinement empowers you to:


Infuse Personalisation into Sales Outreach:

Tailor your outreach efforts with a heightened level of individualization, relevance, and engagement.

Execute Laser-Focused Advertising Campaigns:

Utilize automation to orchestrate campaigns that are sharply targeted and directly relevant to specific companies and stakeholders.

Curate Insightful Content:

Harness the potential of LinkedIn automation to craft content that deeply resonates with the individuals who wield significant influence in your business realm.

Want to know more about how to hone your ICP? Click here!

Personalise Your Message

Let’s go through a list of things to consider while networking:

  1. Why are you connecting with this person? 
  2. Is there any mutual interest or friends?
  3. Did you like any of their recent posts?
  4. Have you ever met them?
  5. Do you want to add more professionals to your list?

This list is long and we recommend you find the intent before you send a request. It will help you personalise that invite and increase your chances of acceptance.

Personalised Message Templates

1. Someone you met

Hi Paul!

It was great meeting you last week at the convention. Let’s connect here to talk more about automation and sales. 

Talk soon!


2. Someone you admire

Hi Sam,

I have been following you for some time and adapted some of the practices you talk about for boosting SEO. It’s been working out great for me. I would love to connect with you and talk more about the same.

Thank you!


3. Connect with a prospect/ stakeholder 

Hi Jack,

I see you have joined ABCsolutions as their new CXO. Congratulations! I am an admirer of your work and would love to connect with you.

 Best wishes,


4. Talk about mutual connections

Hi Emily,

I noticed that you are connected with Steve. Him and I used to work together for XYZ and he’s a good friend. Since we are both from the SaaS industry, would love to have you in my network. Thankyou!


5. Connect with group members

Hi Mark,

I saw your post on the advertising for D2C group and loved the insights. Would you be interested in connecting with me? I have been in the industry for 12 years and it would be great to have you in my network.


6. Connect with like minded people

Hi Colin,

I see that you also follow Justin Welsh. I really resonate with your comment on his post about personal branding. Would you like to connect and discuss it even further?


7. Connect by sharing resources

Hi Paul,

I recently came across you comment on a post about linkedin automation. I would like to share some resources with you if you’d like. Can we connect and delve deeper?


8. Connect with people suggested by LinkedIn

Hi Adam,

You recently popped up in my “people also viewed” section and I saw we both work in the same industry. So, I thought it would be nice sharing views and experiences with each other. Let’s connect!


Still not connected? Follow up

Sometimes it can take time to connect with someone and in this case, a follow up message doesn’t hurt anybody. Your message could have got lost or maybe the intent was not clear in the first place. There could be a couple of reasons and it’s a good practice to make your follow up message a clear one.

However, we do recommend waiting for a couple of days and not bombard them with messages. 

Follow-Up Message Template 1

Hi Mark,

I noticed I hadn’t connected with you yet and wanted to reach out personally. I’m impressed by your work in logistics, and I believe our shared interests could lead to meaningful conversations. Looking forward to the opportunity to connect.

Warm regards,


Follow-Up Message Template 2

Hi Sam,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits. I recently sent a connection request, inspired by your impactful article around automation in sales. Your insights resonate with my professional interests, and I believe connecting could foster meaningful discussions. I look forward to the chance to connect and share thoughts.

Warm regards,


Follow-Up Message Template 3

Hello Bob,

Understanding that you likely have a hectic schedule, I wanted to follow up on my initial connection request. I observed your affiliation with XYZ Inc. and am keen to explore potential collaboration opportunities for our mutual benefit in the future.

Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,


Follow-Up Message Template 4

Hi James,

Recognizing the busyness that comes with our professional lives, I wanted to revisit my connection request. Having noticed your role at XYZ Inc., I’m intrigued by the possibilities of future collaboration. Let’s explore ways we can mutually benefit and support each other’s endeavors.

Anticipating your response.

Best regards,


Use AI and LinkedIn Automation to save time

Taking time to personalise and craft a request is time taking. And just like all other things, AI is a saviour here too. If you are a Salesflow user, chances are that you already know about our AI generator. It looks something like this:

AI Generator

LinkedIn automation is not just about sending mass messages, and creating a long list of connections. It can help you connect with the right people, send personalised messages and follow-up as well. You can generate content in a click and then edit it as per your liking.

You just have to put your details, the receiver’s details, and the context of the message. Not just this, you can even set the tone of the message. Let’s give it a try.

LinkedIn messages AI

You can keep generating content if you want a different message. It will help you craft a good request in a few clicks. 

Want to give ChatGPT a try? Learn how to do that without any hassle.

What is the next step

If you have connected to your prospect, don’t stop there. Keep the conversation alive, interact with their posts regularly. Think of it like this- you have successfully entered their circle of professional connections, and now is the time to start nurturing them forward. 

How to go about the buyer’s journey? Read here.

Want to give automation a try yourself? Click here to unlock a free trial with us for free!